Friday, January 9, 2009


I remember some time ago… I had saved up just enough to buy an 88 key fully weighted keyboard controller… calling every music store in and around the city… Manny Music around 42nd street was the only store that had the model I wanted… They were closing at 7 and it was already 5 so I had to rush to get there… not even considering that the next day was Saturday…”which in other words meant, it was not a dire situation. I could have gone out the next day to get it.” Any way to make a long story short… the guy brings it out at Manny’s after for a second reconsideration to try another brand controller…YOW 300 + dollars FOR ME is a lot of money to shell out, so I got to make sure if I’m getting this thing I get value for MA MoNey!!!… Anyway I’m not changing my mind, so I’m getting the one I came for… so he’s like I’m a bring it up front to the cashier… I make my way up to the register and see this guy struggling to carry this BIG ASS box to the front.. and I’m like DAMMMNNN!!!.. “I didn’t even think of how I was going to bring this thing home”… I MEAN DAMN!!!

Any ways I drag this thing out the store and into the street… flagging down taxi cab after taxi cab… “take it, it’s after 6 in the evening and I’m in Manhattan…” no cab driver in his right mind is going to take you across the 59 street bridge and into Queens at this time… secondly this thing is way to big to fit into any regular taxi cab….without you or the driver pulling a hamstring. After this one guy tried to help me… he gave up and told me sorry… So I’m stuck in the streets of Manhattan with what apparently looks like my big ass coffin :-(…. And I know the dudes at Manny’s must be laughing there ass off by now looking at me in the streets struggling with this thing.… “but props to them dudes for taking the time off to help me still.”

I swear out of know where this limo pulls up to me… and this age able man comes out… He say to me hold one end and we put that thing into his limo… mind you its an old Cadillac limo, but cool all the less.. He does not even ask me where I’m going till we get into the limo and he start driving off… and he does not stress over it either when I say Queens…

To be honest I don’t remember where he was from.. I think it might have been am… around the Middle East… Maybe Yemen, not really sure, but he looked Romanian for some weird reason… Any way… I was extremely touched and motivated when he spoke in earnest and told me that standing there with this huge box, “my apparent coffin” I reminded him of his son who had back in the day wanted nothing more than to own and play a guitar… and I had that exact look on my face as when he gave his son that guitar :-) I mean after all the equipment buying, and cd’s and sleepless nights, and piano lessons.. and hunting down dudes for help with equipment and mixing issues.. oh and the frigging paper and pens used up perfecting lyrics… and the poor neighbor girl in the apartment below me who hates my guts for the pounding bass that comes through her ceiling… I mean hearing something like that said to me… how can I ever give up on music… I mean how….????????????

That day I will never forget… that mans face I will always remember… even if unfortunately I forgot his name…. but he inspired me that day to never stop….never give up…..:-)

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